Feature Overview

Invite other users to your Unlockr panel to access and place orders with the same store account as you. Which means that they will see and use the same account balance.

Configuration guidelines

Login to your TechRepair account and navigate to settings from where you can click on staff accounts. The settings can be accessed from either the cogwheel in the button left corner, or by clicking your user account icon in the very top right corner.

To invite a user simply click the blue add staff account button and enter the email address of the user you want to invite. You will then see the invitation code next to the email address of the user you added. 

The new user now needs to head to the techrepair login page and sign up. 

They must enter the username and password that they intend to use or click sign up with google if you have a google account.

You will now get to the New business account page where you should see a button on the top right corner called "Looking to join an existing store?"

Then simply input the invitation code that you had on the staff accounts settings page.

It will log you in and you will be able to access the store account. You only need to do this process once, after that you can simply sign in with your details and it will automatically connect you to your account.